Petit Cetro Slightly longer than the Perla , the Perit Cetro, is a mild cigar. Although it is a smaller cigar, it proportions are appealing to the eye. This is a great cigar for weddings, births, or any other situation where smoker's experience levels may vary. A small percentage of short filler is used in…
Mareva Internationally, the Mareva is the most purchased cigar vitola. With a more complex flavor than the Perla or Petit Cetro, this cigar, although smaller that other more popular sizes, is a regular smoke for some of our oldest and most experienced clients. Our Mareva is neither mild nor strong, long nor short- just a…
Petit Robusto
Petit Robusto With essentially the same blend as it's older brother, the Robusto , the Petit Robusto is for the smoker that wants a full-bodied cigar, but does not have the time to indulge in something larger. This cigar was introduced specifically for he North American smoker, where, on a night out, it is often…
Cazadores Somewhat of an enigma, the Cazadore is a larger cigar with full-flavor, but is slightly more mild that some of the other vitola of similar dimensions. With a respectable ring size and length, the Cazadore will satisfy. This is a very traditional vitola and was said to be one of the most popular cigars…