Seleccion 5 Don Benigno Cigars


  1. Ring Size: 42-52
  2. Stregth: Mild/Strong

4 in stock


Although the proper Cuban vitola is Julieta, it is more commonly known as Churchill, named after Sir Winston Churchill. This vitola complements him both is it's grandeur and quality. It is full-bodied and has a strong and complex flavor. A well-known size, the Churchill is a cigar for an experienced smoker.
Often called Torpedo in the North American market, our Piramide is a one of our fullest-bodied cigars. Very similar in blend to the Reserva, but obviously distinguished by it's pointed head, the Piramide is a fine specimen of craftsmanship.
Easily cut with a standard cutter or cigar scissors, the Piramide is superb smoke for the experienced smoker.
Slightly onger than our Mareva , our Corona is very renown smoke. It's blend is very similar to that of the Mareva , and at nearly 6 inches, this is a satisfying cigar. Corona, Spanish for Crown, is a traditional vitola that can satisfy a wide array of smokers.
Smoker's desiring a mild yet full-flavored cigar will be very satisfied by the Corona. Those looking for a little bit more should consider the Corona's “big brother,” the Corona Gorda .
Internationally, the Mareva is the most purchased cigar vitola- the most famous being the world-renowned Montecristo No. 4. With a more complex flavor than the Perla or Petit Cetro, this cigar is a popular smoke with some of our oldest and most experienced clients.
Our Mareva is neither mild nor strong, long nor short- just a simple and excellent cigar.
Our most populat cigar, and perhaps the most recognized vitola by name, the Robusto is a robust yet short full-bodied cigar for the experienced smoker. It's wide ring size allows for extra strength, extra body, extra aroma and extra flavor.
If you prefer this blend, but do not have the time to enjoy a full Robusto, we recommend out Petit Robusto .
From the first puff until the last the Rubusto is a cigar that will not forget.


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